Category Archives: Faux News

Kenyan newspaper issues correction

It was reported on that a 2004 web article from the Sunday Standard newspaper in Kenya mistakenly used the phrase “Kenyan-born” referring to then senatorial candidate Barack Obama. (The anti-Obama web site WorldNetDaily devoted a major article to fanning … Continue reading

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Birthers wet pants over newspaper mistake

Any fool knows Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, August 4, 1961. Nevertheless, Birthers are going into orgasms of delight over a mistake printed on a Kenyan web site back in 2004, describing the then Senate candidate Barack Obama as … Continue reading

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Fake birther investigation in New Hampshire

Oh my, those birthers! A birther front fake news site (really a free blog), the Post and Email, put out a big story, blown around the birther ditto web sites, that the New Hampshire Secretary of State was investigating … Continue reading

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